Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why can't time behave itself?!!

It was just Christmas, right? That was a few weeks ago? WHAT?!! It's AUGUST!!!!?? WTF?!! Where in crivens did that time go? I'm only 41, and already time has started to accelerate quite alarmingly. Not in a fun way, either. Every day,something different starts to either hurt, or begin to drop off! I'm hoping to last the week. If I make it to this Christmas, I shall get bladdered, and may live to see you in the meantime...I'll complain.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Welcome, and Sinuses...

Who on earth would create something so evil?
I have been to the doctor many, many times, and am going to hostipule tomorrow for the ENT dept. to have a shufty at them.
It is a pointless exercise, as I know what they are going to say.
"We can't do anything. You're going to have to put up with it."
Can someone please suggest some industrial strength (legal) painkillers?
Otherwise I may be forced to cut my own head off with a rusty pruning saw, leaving me vulnerable to infection and/or tetanus......